How does the Profit and Loss App work?

If you haven't used the Profit and Loss App before, below is a quick overview

Who is All Sorted Business Services?

You have probably been referred to All Sorted Business Services by your Job Search Provider to help you out with a Profit & Loss report for Centrelink.

All Sorted is a certified bookkeeping practice and registered BAS Agent. We work for micro and small businesses around Australia. We are also the preferred supplier of Job Seeker Profit & Loss reports for many Job Search providers around the country.

This App helps us to produce a compliant Profit and Loss report really fast.

Who pays for the report?

Even though you are requesting the report from us if you have been referred by your Job Search Provider they will most likely be paying. If in doubt, check with your Employment Consultant.

Privacy Statement

It’s important to us that you trust us with your personal information. All Sorted take your privacy and security very seriously. We will only ask you for the information we require to deliver the highest level of service. Our full privacy statement can be viewed here.

How to request a Profit and Loss Report?

To request a Profit & Loss report you will need to visit this page and do the following:

  • Enter your email address
  • If you have not used the system before you will be asked to register. You will need to provide some basic personal and business details.
  • You will then be asked to do the following:
    • Verify your personal details
    • Enter your reporting period (as provided to you by your Employment Consultant). This normally a 13 or 26 week period.
    • If your Job Search Provider is paying for your report you will need to enter the contact details for your Employment Consultant
    • Provide us with sales and expense invoices. These should be emailed through to us separately using the email address provided in the App.

What happens next?

Once you submit your request the following the following will happen:

  • You will receive an email confirming that the request has been received
  • An email will be sent to your Employment Consultant letting them know that you have  requested a report and asking them for payment
  • Once they have paid we'll get started on your report
  • When complete you will receive a copy as well as your Employment Consultant.


If you have any questions you should contact your Employment Consultant directly.

If they can't help you, feel free to chat with us (below) or email us and we'll try to help.