Set up GoCardless Direct Debit Authorisation for a client

This article explains how to send a Direct Debit authorisation request to your clients.

Before collecting GoCardless direct debit payments from your client, you need to get  authorisation from your client to set up the direct debit.

To send your clients a link to the authorisation form, do the following:

  1. In the Contacts tab in Xero, locate your client
  2. Click the menu icon next to the contact.
  3. Click Share direct debit authorisation. If the Client is already set up for Direct Debit you will not see this option
  4. Copy the link provided.
  5. Paste the link into your standard agreement or introduction email, or
  6. Paste the link into your mail merge spreadsheet

If you have a number of clients to set up Direct Debits for, talk to us. We have an App that we can use to email each individual client with their Direct Debit sign up link.

The link is unique to the client. Xero automatically matches the Direct Debit approval to the contact record in Xero.

In Xero, you’ll see your customer listed in the Direct Debit forms screen with a Direct Debit Status of ‘Pending’ or ‘Active’. Either status allows you to collect payment.

The process that your customer needs to follow to set up their direct debit authorisation is the same no matter which version of GoCardless you use, or how they receive the link.

Your customer needs to: 

  1. Open the link you've provided.
  2. Complete the following details on the direct debit form:
    1. Country, name and email address
    2. Click Continue
    3. Account holder name and BSB and Account number
    4. Click Continue
    5. Confirm Details and make any required changes
    6. Click Set up this Direct Debit Request
  3. Your client can download a copy of their agreement from the confirmation screen. They will also receive an email confirming the Direct Debit authorisation.

There’s nothing else you need to do in Xero to set up Direct Debits

For information on your customer’s direct debit authorisation status in GoCardless, visit Viewing customer mandate information on the GoCardless website or contact GoCardless Support.


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