Generate Owner Statements (RCTIs)

Once the bank accounts have been fully reconciled for the previous month transactions reports need to be generated for each property from Xero, in preparation for generating the RCTI's for the property owners

Table to Contents

Prepare and download expense reports for Owner Statements

Ensure that the Xero file is up to date

Make a copy of last month's Xero Upload File

Add any new properties showing in Xero to Property tracking

Generate Property Expense Reports

Review Property Expense report and in Xero

Prepare and Send Owner Statements (RCTI's)

Re-generate a Property Expense Report

Download reservation data from GUESTY

Generate Owner's Statements (RCTI's) for each property

Email Owner Statements to Property Owners

Email Owner Statements to Property Owners


Prepare and download expense reports for Owner Statements


Here is a copy of a training video for this section  (2 Oct 2023)

  1. Ensure that the Xero file is up to date

    1. Ensure that all bank accounts have been fully reconciled, up until the last day of last month
    2. Ensure that the Unassigned Transaction Report for last month has no transactions that are unassigned to properties
  2. Make a copy of last month's Xero Upload File

    1. Open last month's Xero Upload File
    2. Make a copy of the file
      1. File -> Mark a Copy
    3. Rename this spreadsheet, using the following naming convention:Create the Xero Upload File for the current month

      • Sunflower Property - Xero Upload File - Mmm YYYY

    4. Move the file the the folder Owner Statements folder

    5. Create a new folder - Mmm YYYY, where Mmm is last month
  3. Add any new properties showing in Xero to Property tracking

    1. Add any new properties
      1. Add the new property to Guesty
      2. Add a contact card for the Owner in the New Contact screen
        1. Enter the following details:
          1. Contact Details tab
          2. Contact Name, ensuring the following format:
            1. Display Name (Property Name), where:
              1. Display Name is the name you want to refer to the owner as internally. eg. Bill & Joan Smith, or Bill Smith
              2. Property Name is the short name that you specified in Guesty (eg. Hutton 10)
          3. First Name
          4. Last Name
          5. Email
          6. If there are Additional people that should receive statements, add their details here
          7. Phone number
          8. Notes - any notes relating to the owners. eg. Commission rate, special requirements, etc
          1. Billing address

          1. Bank account Name
          2. BSB code
          3. Bank account number
          4. Leave reference field blank, as the system will insert the statement number in here if left blank.



          1. Purchase Account - 855 Owner Payments Clearing Account
          2. Bill due date - 1 day(s) after the bill date
          3. Accounts are: No Tax
          4. Purchase GST - BAS Excluded
          5. Property - Select the property name
        1. Click Save & Close
      1. Ensure the that the new contact is added to the Owners Group in Xero Contacts
        1. Search the clients name in the contact window
        2. Check the checkbox next to their name
        3. Click on the Add to Group button
        4. Check the Owners checkbox
        5. Click Add
      2. Add properties to Xero Tracking , ensuring:
        • The tracking (property) name is entered in this format: 
          • Property Name (Property address) - (Owner surname), where,
            • Property name - is exactly the same as recorded in Guesty
            • Property address
            • Owner surname - is the same as the contact card in Xero
        • Return to the Contact page
          • Search for the owner
          • Select the checkbox next to the owner's name
          • Click the Add to group link
          • Select Owners
          • Click Add
          • Open the Owner's card and click Edit
          • In the Purchase Defaults section, select the property from the drop down
          • Click Save & Close
    1. Remove any old properties from
      1. Guesty
      2. Xero
  1. Generate Property Expense Reports

    1. Open the Property Expense report in Xero

    2. Click the Filters button

    3. Click the down arrow next to Property

    4. Ensure that the only properties NOT checked are Admin and Unassigned

    5. Click Apply Filters

    6. Click Save As and Custom

    7. Click Save again to save the changes that you have just made

    8. Check that the From and To dates are for last month

    9. In the COLUMNS dropdown uncheck the following:



    10. In the GROUPING/SUMMARISING drop down select NONE

    11. Click UPDATE

    12. Check the report for any errors

      • Look at Spend Money translations, missing GST, or anything else that does not look right

    13. Click on the Export button and select Google Sheets report

    14. Open the new Google Sheets spreadsheet

    15. Remove row 5 (the Xero report filter details)

    16. Search for any line items with an invoice number including STMT

      • Remove any line items where the invoice number has STMT included (these are transactions from the previous month's Owner Statements that should not be included in the current month's report)

    17. Copy all of the data in the Account Transactions tab

    18. Paste the Account Transaction data into the Property Expense tab of the newly created Xero Upload file for the current month (created in the previous step)

    19. Highlight all data from row 7 to the end of the data

    20. Sort the data by property name

      • Data -> Sort Range -> Advanced Range Sorting Options

      • Click Data has header row check box

      • Select Property Name from the Sort By drop down

      • Click Sort

  2. Review Property Expense report and in Xero, make any changes that are required. 

    1. If you run into any problems email your bookkeeper for assistance

Prepare and Send Owner Statements (RCTI's)

Once the Xero Upload file and the Property Expense Reports have been approved you can prepare the Owner Statements (RCTI's)

  1. Download reservation data from GUESTY

    1. Prepare the Xero Upload File for approval

      1. Instructions:

        To be completed on the first day of the month

        1. Open this report in GUESTY

        2. Click the Check in between link and select from the first to the last day of last month (note dates are in American format)

        3. Click Save

        4. Click on the CSV link to receive a copy of the CSV file

        5. A link to the file will be emailed to you.

        6. Click on the Link to Report link to download the report

        7. The CSV file will be saved to your Downloads folder. Open the file.

        8. Copy all of the data in the Guesty CSV file

        9. Open the Xero Upload File for last month that you prepared on the 28th of last month.

          1. Paste all of the data from the CSV file into cell A1 of the Guesty Data tab of the new Google Sheet

          2. Open the Xero Upload Data tab and check for any errors or missing data

          3. If there are no errors, email a link to the newly created Xero Upload File to the client using the Sunflower Property - Xero Upload File Approval template

  2. Generate Owner's Statements (RCTI's) for each property

    • Open the Purchase Order screen in Xero
    • Click on the New Purchase Order button
    • Review any outstanding purchase orders
    • Complete the fo

      • Copy the description

      • Remove the " " at each end of the description.

    • QTY - 1

    • UNIT PRICE - copy and paste the Unit Price from the Xero Upload template

    • ACCOUNT - 855 Owner Payments Clearing Account

    • TAX RATE - should pre-fill from the Owner's contact card (some include GST and others don't)

    • PROPERTY - Name of the property

    • Ensure that the total on the Purchase Order matches that total on the XERO UPLOAD DATA (FORMATTED) tab in the XERO UPLOAD FILE. It not, identify the error and correct it

    • Add a line item and enter "LESS EXPENSES" in the description field

    • Copy and paste each expense line item, including the account (which is included in the description)

    • If there are any expense descriptions that DO NOT show what was purchased you will need to look for the invoice in Xero and identify what was purchased and update the description to include this detail. For instance, KMART transactions do not contain a description from the tax Invoice. This will need to be added manually

    • Once all items have been copied

      • Minimize the property in the spreadsheet once it has been completed


        Go to the Purchase Orders Screen.

        For each property in the XERO UPLOAD DATA (FORMATTED) tab do the following:

        • Click NEW PURCHASE ORDER

        • In the CONTACT FIELD type the name of the property.

        • DATE field - enter the last day of last month

        • DELIVERY field - enter +7

        • REFERENCE field - enter the name of the property and last month (eg Aqua - May)

        • THEME - Owner Statements

        • AMOUNTS ARE - No Tax

        From the XERO UPLOAD DATA (FORMATTED) tab in the XERO UPLOAD FILE copy each income line item into the Purchase Order as a separate line item.


  3. Email Owner Statements to Property Owners

    1. Once the Owner Statements have been approved, do the following to email the Owner Statements to the property owners

      • From the Approved Purchase Order tab, select each purchase order that is to be emailed

      • Click the Send button.

      • Check that email addresses are included

      • Click Send

  4. Copy Approved Purchase Orders to Bills,  prepare ABA file  and Email to Property Owners
    1. Once the Owner Statements have been emailed, do the following for each approved Purchase Order:

      • Open the Purchase Order and click on the Options drop down

      • Select Copy to..

      • Select Bill

      • Click Create draft

      Once all bills have been created go to the Draft Bills screen and do the following:

      • Approve the bills

      • Prepare an ABA file for paymentL